Course Code: 006

This hands-on evaluation will provide the participant with the opportunity to apply the previously learned theoretical knowledge to the proper operation of lift truck.

Participants will:

  • Demonstrate that they have retained and understood the information covered in the theoretical portion of the program by participating in a practical lift truck assessment
  • Areas covered during the practical component include; basic load handling procedures, safe operating practices, pre-use inspections, stacking/de-stacking loads, parking a lift truck, propane exchange and/or battery charging.

Optional: Client provides operator manuals and policies

  • Review of Manufacturer operations manual(s) – additional preparation time and cost for each class/code of truck.
  • Review of Company Policy – additional preparation time.

Evaluation of practical demonstration.
Supervisors, and Employees who are required to operate a lift truck.
  • 60 minutes (non-experienced operators) 45 minutes (experienced operators) depending on environment.
  • Evaluation forms and wallet cards provided upon successful completion
  • Please note all new operators must receive a minimum of 8 hours of supervised practice time on each machine before they can be assessed. Supervision must be done by a competent person.